Saturday, November 3, 2012

I'm alive

Well, hello, this is slightly embarrassing. So I'm just going to pretend I died and miraculously came back to life. So, blogosphere here I am, don't be too harsh!
It's amazing what has happened in the last few months! My baby sister got married on August 1st. I went to Europe and was there, I was also the event photographer for a big part of it. (Diesel actually had maid of honor duties limiting her time as photographer. Regardless, my sister was gorgeous and her wedding was amazing. No way I can compete with that! :) My mother told me it was the perfect wedding.

See, I told you Diesel was busy:
So that was quite the Adventure!

Next my friend Nina flew back with me from Amsterdam and staid for a month. We had a fabulous time and did not get into it once, or even really annoy each other! It was so much fun and we have many great memories!!!
The thing about visitors is you finally go explore all the cool things your area has to offer. I saw quite a bit more of Portland than I had before.

We also got to show her some of our favorite places like the Wildlife Reserve half way between Monmouth and Corvallis.

I relearned the meaning for Tripper in German (gonorrhea) and how hilarious it is that my friend George who lived in Germany for a while too named his cat that (no, he didn't know the meaning, but now we can never forget it again.....ever!).

I got to see a wallaby with her baby at the state fair. We also learned how delicious all the animals thought Charlie's shoelaces were! We had at least one of each kind chew on them, deers, goats, wallabies, pigs, etc.

We had a family of raccoons move into our back yard. Charlie named one of them Edward because he likes to sit on a branch and watch us sleep. XD

A friendly neighborhood bird planted a plethora of cantaloupes in our yard for us. Our tomatoes also went into overdrive!

George turned even older!

So did I.

We had a Halloween party:

Oh, and we're caught up! Who would have thought? Of course much more happened, for instance I found a new love: making my own lotions, moisturizers, lip balms, etc. That will be in the next post. I'll introduce you to a few of my girlfriends. ^^

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